Internal regulations


This internal law is a set of the most important rules, which are not stipulated in laws or legislation of a national nature, or are an explanation and clarification of some of them. It is intended to control and organize the administrative and pedagogical management of the school, and thus constitutes an additional reference that defines the rights and duties of the three categories of the university family. It is also applicable to foreign visitors to the school.


Chapter I

General Provisions of a Collective Common Character

Article 1:

 Members of the university family enjoy universally recognized academic freedoms.

 freedom of thought and expression, writing, and free discussion. At the same time, they are bound by the ideological and political neutrality approach within the school as a public space dedicated to training and research. Accordingly, it is prohibited within the institution to carry out political and ideological propaganda, whether through actions, words, writing, or grooming.

School employees must also be state agents and diligent in the performance of the public service entrusted to them. They must abide by all the duties contained in the legal texts regulating the conduct of the school, especially sincerity, reservation, and impartiality.

Article 2: The school is a space for collective life.

Every member of the university family enjoys it the right to prevent all forms of violence and discrimination, regardless of their source. In this regard, they enjoy full protection when performing their duties and exercising their rights to education and training. Accordingly, relations within the institution are based on the rules of mutual respect and the commitment of everyone to stay away from all behaviors that are characterized by physical or verbal violence, Or moral. Each member of the university family is also responsible for the tasks assigned, which are based on the principles of reward and punishment.

Article 3: All members of the university family are concerned with preserving the facilities of the institution and preparing to visit it as a public property and they are obligated to make good use of it and protect it from destruction and to report by all available means any damage or defect to the concerned interests.

The person responsible for the damage shall be responsible for compensating for the damage caused by the breaking of the Foundation's furniture and equipment, or the amputation or tearing of its books and documents.

They must also observe the security instructions related to electricity, gas, and water close the doors, and implement the headquarters under their responsibility before leaving the workplace, especially in offices, laboratories, Internet halls, and workshops. They are also required to contribute to maintaining the cleanliness of the school structures and in this regard:

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited within the space and structures of the school,
  • Throwing garbage, whatever its form, out of the bins designated for this purpose,

Article 4: When exposed to a health problem or accident in one of the facilities of the institution, every member of the university family has the right to receive first aid in the preventive medicine unit of the school, and when necessary, he is transferred to the emergency department of the nearest clinic, public hospital or sanatorium, and the institution's management undertakes administrative procedures. In return, they must respect the totality of safety instructions to avoid accidents or to mitigate their consequences.

Also in this regard, every member of the university family when infected with an infectious disease must notify the school administration in writing provide a medical certificate proving this, and comply with the recommendations of the attending physician or the school doctor in the event of the necessity of dropping out of school or work and is not allowed to resume it except after providing a medical certificate proving his recovery.

Article 5: Upon submission of medical certificates justifying the absence, the school administration reserves the right to conduct expertise with qualified and authorized bodies and interests, and to take legal action resulting therefrom.

Article 6: justification for absence are exceptional procedures, and obtaining it shall be subject to a written request submitted by the concerned person accurately explaining the reasons and reasons for it, and it shall not become effective until approved in writing by the concerned official by the following:

  • For Assistant Directors, Department Heads, Secretary General, Library Director: Approval by the Director,
  • For the employees of the auxiliary directorates: the approval shall be from the concerned assistant director,
  • For professors and department users: the approval shall be from the head of the concerned department,
  • For the users of the General Secretariat, including the joint technical interests and the Preventive Medicine Unit: the approval shall be by the Secretary General of the school.

In all cases, a copy of the absence justification shall be sent to the Director of the school and the prosecution of the Directorate of Users, Cultural and Sports Activities.

Article 7: The internal mail shall be circulated between the authorities after it is registered in the outgoing and incoming mail records designated for this purpose, and the supplier and the recipient shall be registered, whether in dispatch schedules or records designated for this purpose.

A copy of the internal correspondence between the departments shall be sent to the Director of the school by way of information, presentation, or otherwise.

Receiving external incoming mail is the exclusive prerogative of the school Director's secretariat, which organizes it, formulates it, and submits it to the school Director for review and gives instructions regarding its distribution and handling.

In this regard, if any interest or individual receives an external incoming mail, regardless of its nature and content, it shall be immediately forwarded to the school Director's secretariat.

- External outgoing mail is also the prerogative of the school Director, and in the event of an urgent need for any interest to send external mail, it is obligated to submit it, before sending, to the school Director, while respecting the administrative ladder when doing so, for written opinion before sending.

Article 8: All administrative documents and official correspondence must bear at the top of the page the emblem of the Republic, the Ministry of Guardianship, the official badge of the school, and the school's interest issued by it.

Article 9: It is recommended not to bring expensive personal property to the school, and in the event of its loss, the institution does not bear any responsibility for it.

Article 10: Publications, pendants, paper signs, etc., which do not bear the seal of one of the official bodies or interests of the school, their publication, distribution, or suspension shall be subject to the prior written approval of the school Director,

The Office of Internal Security is required to verify this approval, and its members are authorized and required to remove and tear up any publication or suspense of this kind, Publications on the school website are subject to the prior written approval of the school Director.

Article 11: Informal gatherings and meetings, within the premises of the school, are subject to the approval of the Director of the school after submitting a written request in this regard, which in this case is the full and personal responsibility of the persons supervising its organization who must maintain security and tranquility and the proper conduct of these meetings.

Article 12: Entry into the school space by foreign persons on the days of their reception with its interests shall be subject to a decision prepared by the director of the school and announced in the places designated for that purpose.

In this regard, the University Services Department shall provide a list of private and public customers with the central restaurant to authorize them to enter the school in accordance with the aforementioned decision.

The school administration reserves the right to refuse entry to the school or expel whoever enters it to any person whose appearance, behavior, or behavior is contrary to the nature of the school's activities and reputation, or threatens its security.

Every foreign person who has been authorized to enter the school shall abide by the rules of discipline and exemplary behavior and completely refrain from any behavior that affects stability and tranquility within the institution.

The entry of foreigners to the administrative departments of the school is the reception days allocated for this, and all identity elements are registered in the visit register designated for this, after submitting the identity card in exchange for obtaining the official badge for the visit, the Internal Security The office is required to prepare a detailed summary of these receptions monthly and submit it to the school Director.

Article 13: It is strictly prohibited for any institution of a commercial or service nature, which does not have a legal contract with the school that specifies this and authorizes it, to take the school spaces as a place to practice its activities or benefit from it in any way and for any purpose whatsoever and in any direct or indirect capacity.

Associations of a scientific, cultural, artistic, or sports nature, as well as public bodies and institutions, may be licensed to carry out an activity inside the school. This license shall be in writing by the director of the school after consulting the directorate council. This license application shall be submitted with a technical card to the director of the school at least one week from the date of the activity.

Those invited to the school within the framework of its scientific, cultural, sports, or other activities are subject to special procedures.

Article 14: There shall be at the school level a Prevention and Security Committee consisting of:

  • Directoras a principal of the school,
  • Associate Directors,
  • Secretary General of the School,
  • Physician, Preventive Medicine Unit Officer,
  • Homeland Security Office Officer,

The Prevention and Security Committee shall meet mandatory at least twice a year, exceptionally from its Chairman, and may seek the assistance of any qualified bodies or competencies in the performance of its functions.

The School Prevention and Security Committee performs the following tasks:

  • Study topics related to prevention and security,
  • Analyze the potential occupational hazards of all members of the university family and propose any action to improve the situation of prevention, security, and living conditions in the school,

Article 15: Professors and students alike, when publishing their scientific and pedagogical production on all forms of scientific theft and piracy, shall refrain from strict adherence to the rules of scientific honesty and copyright.






Chapter II:

Provisions for Professors

Article 16: Professors shall be respected and revered commensurate with their noble mission by all members of the university family, and they are required in this regard to show exemplary behavior commensurate with their status.

Professors are required to show their professional cards when necessary to the authorized administrative officers and bodies.

Article 17: The professor(e) is solely responsible for his students during the lessons and activities that he frames and registers those who are absent from them, during the classes of directive or applied work or lectures, and in this regard, he is obligated to fill out the class card that he receives from the administration, within a period not exceeding twenty-four hours from The timing of the end of the class.

Article 18: The professor performs his duties away from all kinds of interference from any party as long as he is committed to the principles, ethics, and ethics of the profession. In this regard, he benefits from all the appropriate conditions for this by providing the pedagogical and scientific means necessary to perform his tasks, in addition to giving him

sufficient time for continuous training and periodic renewal of his knowledge, and providing the conditions of hygiene and security related to the nature of his activity.

Article 19: The professor is obliged to submit to the school administration a curriculum vitae containing, in particular:


  • Information about the professional path, especially about pedagogical activity, research activities, and research activities,
  • All possible means of communication with him ( personal mailing address, e-mail address, mobilenumber, etc.)

In this regard, the school administration shall place at the disposal of the professor an official account and e-mail address through which communication shall have an official and binding nature.

Article 20: The professor is keen to consume the full time allocated to the pedagogical class, which is estimated at one hour and thirty minutes, and he is thus required to attend at the specified times and to impose this on his students. He is also able to refuse the entry of students who are late by more than ten minutes and consider them as absent from the class.

Article 21: In the framework of performing his pedagogical and research tasks, the research professor can stay at the premises of the school designated for this purpose until eight o'clock in the evening.

Article 22: When permitted by the pedagogical programming of the department and the written approval of its head, the professor who is absent from his pedagogical activity (lectures, directed works, or applications) may, on an exceptional basis, compensate the absent classes provided that the department is notified in writing within a period not exceeding forty-eight hours from the time of the absent session. In this case, the legal procedures resulting from unauthorized absenteeism cases shall not be applied to him.

Article 23: When the research professor can't carry out scientific tasks  (stalking, scientific vacation,)  inside or outside the country, outside the authorized holiday times, which results in an interruption of his pedagogical duties, he is obligated to coordinate fully and with the written consent of the head of department B:

  • Either by proposing a colleague who bears all the pedagogical burdens throughout his absence,
  • Propose a pre- or post-compensation program,

Article 24: The teacher responsible for the pedagogical scale shall develop the annual distribution program for lessons, directed works, and applied works according to the official program of the unit at the beginning of the academic year, or the beginning of the semester if the scale is hexagonal and not annual.

The professor responsible for the educational scale is responsible for continuous coordination with the professors of oriented business and applied business to ensure the good functioning of the scale.

Article 25: Preparation of directed works and applied works chains is the responsibility of the teachers of the scale  (teachers of directed works and applied works )  under the supervision of the professor of the scale and supervising their printing (for applied works only) and distribution and placing a copy of them on the school website.















Provisions for administrators, technicians, utility agents, and contracting agents

Article 26: All administrative and technical workers, service assistants, and contractors shall enjoy respect and appreciation for the great services provided for the benefit of the administrative and pedagogical process of the school.

Article 27: All administrative and technical workers shall benefit from legal protection in the performance of their duties as agents of the State.

Article 28: All administrative and technical workers, service assistants, and contractors shall abide by the official working hours:

Morning period: from eight o'clock to twelve o'clock.    

Evening period: from thirteen o'clock to sixteen and a half o'clock.    

 Weekdays: Sunday to Thursday.

If the Department is necessary, it may be authorized to attend outside the official times and the period mentioned above in the following cases:

- At the request of the concerned parties, the time of attendance and its reasons shall be determined accurately and after approval by the school Director,

- With the written assistance of the Director of the school.

The following are excluded from the procedure mentioned in the preceding paragraph and within the framework of the performance of their duties:

The Secretary General of the school, the official of the Internal Security Office, the prevention, security, and hygiene officers, and the officers of the security and hygiene institutions contracted with the school.

Article 29: Everyone is obliged to sign the daily attendance record or any other procedure ( including electronic signature ) at the site and the time specified by his education in writing to the school Director. The General Secretary of the School and the Director of the Library are excluded from this procedure.

Article 30: All administrative and technical workers, agents of interest, and contractors shall, during official working hours, carry the official badges of the school, which accurately indicate the personal and professional information of those concerned. Carrying this badge shall be considered a passport to transit and move freely within the school and between its interests in the framework of the performance of their duties. This action can be taken by the Secretary General of the School and the Director of the Library.














Chapter IV. 

Provisions for students

Article 31: The initial and final administrative registration of new students holding a baccalaureate degree  (or its equivalent) shall be carried out in the  period and by the criteria specified in the ministerial circular issued by His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research related to the initial registration and guidance of baccalaureate degree holders, which mainly adopts the criteria of:


  • Belonging to the specific geographic area of school enrollment,
  • The desire expressed by the student, the specializations, and the actual absorption capacity of the school from the pedagogical seats,
  •  Immediately upon registration, the student receives the list of laws and regulations related to the management and organization of the school, as well as this internal law, and signs

a written supervisory obligation to respect and apply them. He is also obligated to provide the school administration with all personal and professional information related to his course of study.

Article 32: Among the basic rights of students are:

  • Enjoy the freedom to enter and leave school throughout the time allocated for daily pedagogical activity,
  • Benefiting from the services of all school staff and the necessary facilities for the proper conduct of their studies and their pedagogical, cultural, and sports activities, in a spirit of respectand mutual appreciation,
  • Knowing the identity of the professors assigned to teach them,
  • Knowing these bylaws and undertaking in writing to respect and apply them,
  • Knowledge of school standards and their pedagogical content, and references that help to improve his educational achievement,
  • Benefit from a transparent and fair examination and evaluation system according to predetermined criteria,
  • Review the evaluation criteria, the scoring ladder, and the calculation pattern of the rates,
  • Reviewing the examination paper within the specified deadlines and the approved scoring ladder,
  • Requesting the re-correction of the paper, within the specified deadlines and by the specified conditions,
  • Candidacy, voting, and membership in committees, councils, and school bodies by the laws in force.
  • He benefits from the academic holiday by the conditions specified in the regulation, and upon request attached to a file submitted before the beginning of the first exam. He benefits from the right tointegration after the academic holiday period has passed,
  • Social coverage( social security)  by the laws in force.
  • Forming cultural and artistic clubs after the approval of the Foundation's Management Board and after reviewing the Director's report on the subject. The objectives of theseclubs must be consistent with the general principles of the school's activity and tasks.
  • To benefit from university services by the laws in force,

Article 33: The student shall comply with the following:

  • Access to his own legal and regulatory texts and his ignorance of them is not excused,
  • Full respect for all members of the university family while performing their duties,
  • Submitting the student card and the reader card upon any request from the authorized management agents and professors, and refraining from doing so is considereda serious mistake that is punishable.
  • Respecting the administrative hierarchy when the student presents his problems and concerns,
  • Refrain from admitting foreign persons from the school or assisting them to do so without the prior permission of the authorized bodies of the school,
  • Carrying out registration and re-registration procedures within the deadlines specified by the administration,
  • Ensuring that the administrative documents handed over by the administration are preserved from loss or destruction, and if this happens, he is obliged to carry out the procedures ofdeclaring the loss with the police or the national gendarmerie and depositing it with the administrative authorities authorized to obtain a second and final copy.
  • Justifying absences within a period not exceedingthree open days from the date of absence. Any delay in doing so makes the absence unjustified, except in cases of extreme necessity,which are adapted by the body in charge of pedagogy. If the justification is sent by mail, it must be sent within the same deadlines, and it is the postmark that proves this.
  • Completely refrain from doing more than one registration, regardless of the number of baccalaureate certificates obtained. If it is proven that this is done, the owner may be expelled from theschool.

Article 34: Students shall elect a delegate to the department and his deputy at the beginning of each academic year. The delegate shall perform his duties within the framework of this internal law.

The election of departmental delegates shall be carried out democratically through voluntary nomination, free choice by secret ballot, or by show of hands.

The professor supervising the election process shall prepare a file for the process that includes, in particular:

  • The list of the elected is dated and signed by the voters and the supervising professor,
  • The list of candidates signed by the candidates and the supervising professor,
  • The counting minutes signed by the candidates and the supervising professor, and attached to the voting cards,

If no student is nominated, one of the students from the department or the cohort is recommended by the professor supervising the process, and it is recommended that he be the outstanding student.

The representatives of the Departments shall be entrusted with the following works:

Within the department:

  • Holding meetings with students and consulting them about the difficulties they face,
  • Assisting and advising students and acting as an intermediary,
  • Consulting and interviewing teachers,
  • Creating bonds of cooperation between students, such as helping absentees for justified circumstances and providing them with lessons and homework,
  • Revitalizing life within the department and encouraging dialogue among students,

B- Inside the institution:

  • Representing the department and carrying out the duties of its spokesperson,
  • Acting as an interlocutor on issues of interest to school life with official bodies.
  • Participation in department delegates' meetings,

Representatives of departments and members of scientific, cultural,

or other sports committees receive training during the academic year outside school hours to help them carry out the various tasks entrusted to them and provide them with

all the necessary documents and information. They shall enjoy full immunity in the performance of their duties. They are the only ones authorized,

for the administration, to raise problems that have to do with pedagogy or student life within the institution.

Article 35: The school administration shall propose to its students residency permits abroad by the laws in force and the possibilities available in this regard. Students nominated for such traps must submit a draft program for such traps in consultation with their respective professors.

Article 36: The school administration, in coordination with the various departments and institutions of the agricultural sector, shall conclude contracts for the completion of their internships and graduation notes. 

Article 37: The school shall place at the disposal of its students all possible information and communication technologies: a website, and official social media pages, and in this regard, the school administration shall place at the disposal of the student an official account and e-mail address through which communication shall have an official and binding nature.

They are invited to use and interact with it, and in this regard, they are required to provide the school administration with their official addresses, and phone numbers, and notify the administration of any change.

Article 38: Students contribute to the revitalization of school life by participating in various clubs and participating in cultural, sports, and social events.


Pedagogical activities

Part One: Pedagogical Councils and Committees

Article 39: The educational councils and committees of the school are: The appropriate framework for addressing educational issues related to the proper functioning of the study, which are as follows:

  1. The Pedagogical Council of the School,
  2. Department Pedagogical Board,

3Pedagogical Committee for the level by specialization,

  1. Scale Committee (Pedagogical Unit)

Article 40: The Pedagogical Council of the School shall consist of:

  1. Director of the school as a Director,
  2. The Deputy Director in charge of Education, Certificates, and Continuous Training.
  3. 3. Heads of all departments
  4. 4. Secretary General of the School,

The Pedagogical Council of the school meets once a month and at a predetermined date under the chairmanship of its president or deputy.

The Pedagogical Council of the school performs the following tasks:

  • Proposing the annual pedagogical program,
  • Follow up the pedagogical activity of the school study the reports submitted by the departments and express an opinion on them.
  • Ensuring the enrichment of the pedagogical scientific activity in the school,and recording its work in a dedicated register.

Article 41: The Pedagogical Council of the Department shall consist of:

  • Section Head as Head,
  • Professors responsible for each year.
  • Student representatives are elected each year.

The pedagogical council of the department meets at the beginning of each month, and all that is necessary at the invitation of its president, and it is charged with:

  • Follow up the pedagogical activity of the department and study the reports submitted by the officials for each year.
  • Listening to students' concerns and providing suggestions to take care of them.
  • Ensuring the enrichment of the pedagogical scientific activity in the department,
  • Suggesting the distribution of standards among professors according to scientific and pedagogical standards.

His works shall be recorded in a register designated for that purpose.

Article 42: The Pedagogical Committee of the level shall consist of:

  • Section Head as Head,
  • All professors responsible for metrics,
  • Student representatives on the pedagogical committees of each cohort and platoon,

The Pedagogical Committee of the Year meets once a month, and all that is necessary at the invitation of its Chairman, and it is charged with:

  • Follow up the pedagogical activity of the year and study the reports submitted by the professors on each scale.
  • Listening to the teachers' concerns and making suggestions to take care of them,
  • Listening to students' concerns and providing suggestions to take care of them.
  • Ensuring the proper functioning of the pedagogical activity of the year,
  • suggesting the timetable of the exam by the administration of the school.

Its works shall be recorded in a register designated for this purpose. It shall submit its reports to the head of the department and the Pedagogical Council of the school.

Article 43: The Pedagogical Unity Committee shall consist of:

  • The professor in charge of the scale as president,
  • Professors of oriented and applied works.

The pedagogical committee of the scale meets twice a month, and all that is necessary at the invitation of its chairman, and it is charged with:

  • Follow up the pedagogical activity of the year and study the reports submitted by the professors on each scale.
  • Ensuring the proper conduct of lessons and work applied and directed to the scale,

It shall record its works in a dedicated register and submit its reports to the head of the department.

Part Two: Examinations, Evaluation, Transfer, and Arrangement of Students

Article 44: All examinations shall be conducted according to the annual pedagogical program of the examinations determined by the Pedagogical Council of the school.

Article 45: The professor in charge of the scale shall prepare the subjects of the examinations and the scoring ladder in coordination with the teachers of the scale.

- One of the duties of all teachers of the scale is to correct the exam, which is strictly subject to the pre-prepared drip ladder.

- The professor in charge of the scale presents a model correction after the exam that he submits to the administration and informs the students of it by all available means.

- Within the framework of continuous monitoring tasks, the professor can take a maximum of two written examinations, in addition to the prescribed examinations.

Article 46: The student must bring the necessary tools allowed in the exams. It is forbidden to borrow these tools during the exam period.

The student must place the student's card and the national identification card on the table assigned to him immediately after entering the exam hall to facilitate monitoring and to sign the minutes of attendance at the exam.

The student must fill out in clear writing his/her form on the first page of the minutes of attendance at the exam immediately after receiving the exam paper.

Article 47: The supervising professor has the right to change the location of any student or redistribute students in the hall.

Article 48: The exam period begins at the specified time at the moment of the complete completion of the distribution of question papers and ends at the moment of the expiry of the official time allocated for the exam, except for standards that have not been studied at the appropriate hourly size are delayed to a later date determined by the Pedagogical Council of the school.

Article 49: Clarifications that professors may have to give to students shall be limited to typos only.

Article 50: The student is prohibited from leaving the examination hall before the expiry of half an hour from the beginning of the exam. It is also forbidden to have modern means of communication on the student's table (mobile phone, electronic tablets, etc.), and if the student has to temporarily leave the examination hall for a compelling circumstance, he is accompanied by a guard.

Article 51: A student is not allowed to participate in the exam if:

  • He was not registered in the official lists of school students,
  • if disqualified for absenteeism or any disciplinary action,
  • If he arrives at the test venue more than 25 minutes late,

In all cases, the student cannot benefit from the time lost as a result of the delay in the time allowed.

Article 52: Speech is not allowed during the exam and when necessary, the student can draw the attention of the supervising professor by raising his hand only.

  • It is forbidden tobring a mobile phone into the examination hall
  • Movement within the examination hall is strictly prohibited except in the case of extreme necessity. As for students who leave the hall permanently, they are obliged to leave quietly out of respect for their colleagues who have not completed the exam.
  • The student must abide by the instructions issued by the supervising professor.
  • The supervising professor must remove any student who tries to cheat, submits to it, or contributes to it, and submit a report thereon for referral to the Disciplinary Board.
  • The supervising professor must remove any student who causes disorder and security in the examination hall and submit a report thereon for referral to theDisciplinary Board.

Article 53: The student obtains a zero mark in the exam in which he is unjustifiably absent.

Article 54: A student who has missed only one exam with a legally acceptable excuse shall be allowed to participate in a remedial exam.

Article 55: Absence in two or more exams on the same scale with or without justification shall deprive its holder from participating in the compensatory exam.

Article 56: justified absences are:

  1. Death of a relative: One of the assets, branches, or direct footnotes of the student  (death certificate to be submitted).
  2. Increase: Maternity leave  (provide birth certificate).
  3. 3.The marriage of the male or female student  (a marriage contract shall be submitted).
  4. 4.hospitalizations (provide a certificate of residence in a hospital institution).
  5. 5.The case of emergency illness during the exam (submission of a medical certificate + a professor's certificate).

Provide justifications for absence from the exam within a maximum of 72 hours.

Article 57: Upon completion of each exam, the professor in charge of the scale shall publish the typical correction of the exam and a detailed scoring ladder.

Article 58: All marks must be published and announced before the deliberations are held so that the concerned professor can be informed of each error during the casting of marks and/or the calculation of the rate to correct it when necessary before the deliberations.

Article 59: The student shall have the right to view his examination papers after correcting each exam, and he shall not have the right to view the remedial exam papers. The student who invokes his marks can request a second correction within a maximum of two days after the publication of the points  (actual working days)  and no appeal is accepted outside this period.

For the second correction, a written request must be deposited with the head of the department that takes the necessary and confidential measures to appoint the professor in charge of the second correction, provided that he is of a higher or equal rank to the same rank as the first corrector professor.

After the second correction, the second mark is compared to the first mark, in this case:

- If the difference between the two marks is less than three points, the arithmetic rate between the two marks shall be taken.

- If the second mark is higher than the first and the difference equals or exceeds three points, the higher mark shall be taken.

- If the second is lower than the first and the difference equals or exceeds three points, the minimum mark shall be taken permanently and the student shall be referred to the Disciplinary Board. The student does not have the right to view his examination paper after the second correction.

Article 60: After the completion of the process of informing students of the examination papers with possible re-correction, the marks, examination papers, examination text, and sample correction should be handed over to the head of the department.

Article 61: The general annual rate shall be calculated based on the rates obtained by the student in each scale according to its coefficient.

Article 62: A remedial examination shall be organized at the end of the academic year. This examination shall be for students who have not passed the regular examinations.

Article 63:At the end of each semester, a deliberative council shall be convened

by the laws in force.

The end of the year

The deliberation committee is called the annual deliberation committee, and the latter enjoys full sovereignty. The student shall be deprived of deliberations if he is absent in one exam without a justified excuse.

Article 64: The student moves to the next year after obtaining a general annual average equal to or greater than 10/20, provided that he has not obtained an exclusionary mark less than 05/20 in all scales, and in the event of his failure, he repeats the year and can improve his mark in the scales in which he obtained a rate equal to or greater than 10/20.

Article 65: The  student is not allowed to repeat the year more than twice during the study stage  (once in the common trunk or once in the specialization)

Article 66: Every student to whom the provisions of Article 64 apply shall be permanently expelled from the school and directed to the nearest university institution close to his residence.

Article 67: The Deliberations Committee for the session shall be composed of the Chairman of the Deliberations Committee and the professors of the educational units. Its tasks are to:

  • Approving the students' education and the results obtained.
  • Vote on the success, failure, or exclusion of case-by-case students in subjects, educational units, and years. 
  • Rescue students if necessary with a comprehensive assessment of their education by adopting the standards of attendance, participation, discipline, gradation -pedagogy, and others. In thiscase, the rescue point is raised to 10/20
  • Rescue cannot be considered an acquired right of the student, which is the prerogative of the deliberation committee exclusively.

The deliberation committee is a woman, and no educational body or department has the right to challenge its decisions, its decisions are taken by a simple majority, and the vote of the president is weighted in the event of equality.

Article 68: Deliberations shall be conducted confidentially and participation in the deliberations shall be considered an act among the basic pedagogical obligations of the professor.

Attending classes is not compulsory, and its members are obliged to confidentiality, which may expose the violator to disciplinary measures.

Article 69: The results of the educational unit and its constituent materials shall be submitted to the head of the department compulsorily, and the minutes of the marks of the educational unit shall be delivered to the head of the department in a confidential envelope accompanied by the minutes of the marks of the constituent materials and the recommendations for the deliberations within a maximum period of 24 hours before the date of the deliberations.

Article 70: The minutes of the deliberations shall be dated and issued without any finishing or marginal additions, and shall meet the following items:

  • A general statement of the general rate for each measure, and the general rate for the student.
  • Results for successful, failed, and excluded students.
  • The total percentage of successful, failed, and graduated students compared to the total number of students.
  • The name and surname of each member of the deliberation committee present and their signature on the minutes.
  • Names of members absent from deliberations.
  • Rescue conditions approved by the members of the deliberation committee.
  • Deliberation report.

Students must be informed by publication of the final results of the deliberations when they are approved.

Article 71: In the event of an error in the casting of marks or the calculation of the rate, the student can file an appeal with the head of the department within the three days following the announcement of the preliminary minutes of the deliberations at the latest. The head of the department shall submit this appeal to the deliberation committee, and no appeal shall be accepted after the expiry of this period.

The Deliberations Committee shall be called to meet to decide on the students' appeals and correct the errors. After the end of the deliberations, the same minutes shall be drawn up under the same conditions as the previous minutes of the first, entitled "Corrected and additional minutes of the first minutes"

Article 72: The Student Ranking Committee shall consist of:

  • Assistant Director in charge of education, certificates, and continuous training,

Heads of all departments

The Arrangement and Orientation Committee arranges the students, meets in regular sessions after year-end deliberations, and can meet in special sessions when needed. The order of the students can be useful in identifying the first batches.

The final ranking rate is the average of the overall rates of metrics in transactions.

The results of her work shall be recorded in a record containing the order of the students signed by the members and communicated to the students through publication.

The top student "first class" is the student with the highest average in the regular courses and who has not been subjected to disciplinary sanctions.

The student can file the appeal with the head of the department within a maximum of 48 hours following the publication of the report.

If two or more students are equal in the ranking, they shall be separated in order B

1- Age basis (the first grants a guardianship to the youngest) then,

2- The baccalaureate rate, (the first is granted to the holder of the highest rate) then,

3- The drawing of lots is organized by the Arrangement Committee in the presence of the concerned students and their signature on the minutes of the drawing of lots.

Part Three: The Library

Article 73: This system aims to control the laws related to the use of the Central Library of the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture in El-Oued (HSSAE) and the conditions for benefiting from its services.

Article 74: The use of the school library and reading rooms is allowed for :

1- For teachers and students of the school.

  1. Persons licensed by the Directorof the school, the deputy Director in charge of education, or the director of the library.

Article 75 : Reading room users are forced to show the library reader card.

Article 76 : The library is open from Sunday to Thursday from eight o'clock to five o'clock without interruption. From 08:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Article 77: All library users are required to renew the reader card at the beginning of each academic year.

Article 78: Only professors and students holding a library card shall benefit from external secondment. The number of loaned books and their duration are subject to the capabilities of the library.


The library has a bank for external lending for school students and teachers. Each category must respect its lending bank.

- Every reader has the right to borrow documents and books outside the library according to the following conditions:

- For students: two books (02) for 15 days, renewable for a week.

- For professors: (04) books for 20 days, renewable for a week.

Article 79: A borrowed book becomes the responsibility of the reader who is obliged to preserve it.

Article 80: The loan of a particular book can only be renewed 48 hours after it is returned to the library.

Article 81: The following documents are prohibited from external lending:

- Patrols of all kinds.

- Dictionaries, encyclopedias, maps, and aerial photographs.

- Each author was excluded from external loan by a decision of the library's official

- Frequently used books with one copy.

Article 82: Any delay in the deadlines for secondment shall be punished as follows:

- A case of delay lasting between one and three days: the borrowing is denied for 07 days for each day of delay.

- A case of delay of more than three days: the loan is denied for a full month.

Article 83: If the book is lost or part of it is destroyed, the perpetrators shall:

- For students:

- Bring a copy of the same title of the book (containing the same information as the damaged or lost book).

- Bringing two copies of another title in the same specialization compensates for the financial value of the lost or destroyed book.

- For professors:

- Bring a copy of the same title of the book (containing the same information as the damaged or lost book).

- Bringing two copies of another title in the same specialization compensates for the financial value of the lost or destroyed book.

Note: In the event of non-compliance with this law (students – professors), how many of them shall be referred to legal disciplinary procedures?

Article 84 : Borrowing shall be personal.

Internal Loan: The Central Library of the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture in El-Oued (HSSAE) provides internal access to the documents and books available in the library:

- Dissertations,

- Scientific journals,

- Dictionaries and encyclopedias,

- Reference books and bibliographies,

- Frequently used books with one copy.

These documents are allowed to be viewed internally in the space designated for this purpose, and cannot be taken out or lent outside the library.

Article 85: The Director of the school, on the proposal of the director of the library, has the right to deprive any reader of borrowing books if it is proven that he does not comply with the law relating to the library.

Article 86: In the case of transfer or graduation of the student, the transfer of the file and the delivery of the graduation certificate can be approved only after the concerned person submits a clearance certificate proving the settlement

His situation vis-à-vis the library's interests. The clearance certificate shall not be provided to the student until his status has been regularized.

Article 87: To the Director of the school. At the suggestion of the library director, you can accept an exceptional borrowing of books excluded from external lending, theses, and roles for a period of no

Exceeds forty-eight (48) hours on Thursday only

Article 88: All loaned books shall be returned ten days before the date specified for the summer holiday and the reader shall be informed of this.

Article 89: Outsourcing shall cease during the summer holidays.

Article 90: Every user of the Central Library of the Higher School of Saharan Agriculture in El-Oued (HSSAE) shall be subject to respect and application of this system.





Organizing the activity of accredited cultural and sports associations and scientific clubs

Article 91: Students and professors have the right to establish associations or clubs of a cultural, scientific, and sports nature by the law.

The club, whose activity is limited to the campus, shall be approved by the Director of the school and the association shall be approved by the laws regulating this.

Article 92: The activity of accredited associations and clubs that contribute to the promotion of the scientific, educational, cultural, artistic, and sports level of the student is permitted.

Article 93: Each association or club accredited within the stipulated framework shall submit an annual calendar of its activities at the beginning of the academic year.

Each association or club must submit its detailed program of the programmed activity in the calendar 15 days before the start date of the activity and request a license to carry it out to the school Director.

Article 94: The school, after it approves of the provided program, shall contribute to determining the place of activity.

Article 95: The proposed activities shall not affect the proper conduct of the study and shall not be held during exam preparation periods.

Article 96: No association may invite any foreigner from the school except with the written permission of the Director of the school.

Article 97: A listening and consultation body for students shall be established at the head of the school, consisting of:

  • Twentymembers of the school's students distributed
  • Ten representatives for the five years who have the highest annual

average  (two for each year), for the first year, the highest rates obtained in the baccalaureate are considered.

  • Ten  representatives of the elected representatives of the cohorts (two for each year)
  • Five members

of staff from the school Director appointment.

  • Assistant managers and heads of departments.
  • Secretary General of the School,

This body meets at the invitation of the school Director who sets its agenda.

The summons to meetings of this body, at the invitation of the headmaster, lies with everyone who can contribute to the enrichment and implementation of its agenda.












Conduct and Discipline:

Article 98: The student must have good behavior and appearance and respect public morals within the school. Any violation of the internal system shall be subject to the penalties stipulated in Ministerial Decision 96/89, which determines the powers of the Disciplinary Board.

Article 99: The penalties with which the student can be punished according to the seriousness of the mistakes committed are classified in two degrees:

First-degree penalties are defined as follows:

Verbal warning

A written rapport. 

Violations to which the provisions of the first degree apply are considered the following:

  • Recall 

and use the mobile phone inside the classrooms.

  • Attempting to cheat on the exam.
  • Trying to help cheat on the exam.
  • Directing rude and inappropriate words to any member of the school family


  • The use of violence in all its moral or material forms.
  • Posting posters that are not authorized by the administration
  • Posting hangers in places other than the authorized places or that harm the aesthetic appearance of the school.
  • Removing or destroying the permitted labels hanging in the places designated for them.

Second-degree penalties are defined as follows:

  • Expulsion for one year.
  • Expulsion for 2 years
  • Final expulsion in case of repeated violations

Violations to which the provisions of the first degree apply are considered the following:

  • Cheating(normal or by social media)  confirmed in the exam
  • Confirmed help with exam cheating
  • Repeated first-degree violations.
  • Obstruction of the workflow in the school -violence -threat -deliberate chaos.
  • Possession of any means that may cause physical damage to professors, students, or workers.
  • Forgery and use of forger.
  • Defamation against teachers, students, or workers.
  • Coercion to strike, attempt to stop or prevent lessons, exams, or licensed activities in any way.
  • Theft, abuse of trust, misappropriation of funds.
  • Destruction of the equipment and property of the institution or its employees (professors, administrators, workers, students).
  • Impersonation.

Important note: In some cases of second-degree violation, the school has the right to prosecute violators. 


Article 100: Attendance at various pedagogical activities: lessons,

directed work, applied work, graduates and internships in the professional environment are compulsory for all students.

Article 101: The student shall be deprived of the scale if he misses orientation or practical classes, lectures, or forums three times without justification or five times, regardless of the justifications provided.

- No exemption is given from absences in directive or practical work, lectures, or forums, regardless of the reasons.

- This applies to the six-point scales, and as part of the annual organization of the study, the student is deprived of the scale if:

  • Six unexplained absences.
  •  Ten absences even if the absence is justified

Article 102: The student is prohibited from:

  • Wearing indecent and disrespectful clothing inside the institution's campus
  • Smoking in classrooms, guided works, applied works, and in all public places

inside the institution's campus (library, Lecture hall, restaurant, pedagogical hall), and in all other places where the prohibition is explicit.

  • Entering the class 15 minutes after the professor enters the hall, and the student is considered absent.
  • The use of mobile phones and personal recording machines inside amphitheaters, halls or laboratories,
  • Cheating in tests and exams is unethical behavior, and if cheating is proven, the student is given a zero point in the test orexam and presented to the Disciplinary Board to take disciplinary action against him.

Article 103: The student can only hold mass protests if the school administration refuses to adopt methods of dialogue and communication with them, and after informing the school Director of this refusal and listening to it.

Any protest that does not comply with the provisions of this Article shall be considered an illegal protest and shall result in administrative and judicial prosecution.

Article 104: Disrupting rules of discipline exposes the student to disciplinary measures. In this regard, preventing any pedagogical, scientific, or administrative activity of the school or

distorting it is a serious error that exposes its owner to administrative and judicial follow-up.















Chapter VIII

Special Provisions

Article 105: This bylaw shall be compulsorily amended upon the issuance of laws, legislations, or instructions of a national nature contrary to one of its provisions.

Proposals to amend the provisions of the Rules of Procedure shall be submitted by the Director of the Higher School for Teachers or two-thirds of the members of the School's Board of Directors and shall be attached to the text of the Rules of Procedure if it is adopted by the two bodies.

Article 106: The internal regulations of the school are binding on all members of the university family, and every foreigner who is inside the school, including economic dealers.

Article 107: The school administration is obliged to inform all members of the university family and work to disseminate it by all available means.

Article 108: TheseBylaws have been ratified by the deliberations of the Board of Directors:

The first deliberation on:

The second deliberation on:

It is issued by a decision of the school Director.

  • Effective from the date of issuance of this decision,
  • The university family is informed by all available means.
  • A copy of it shall be sent to the guardian ministry.





Relevant legislation  

  • Order No. 06-03 dated 19 Jumada Al-Awwal 1427 corresponding to 15 July 2006, which includes the General Basic Law of the Public Service.
  • Executive Decree No. 16-176 dated 9 Ramadan 1437 corresponding to 14 June 2016, specifying the basic law of the high school
  • A decision dated  February 4, 2009, specifying the modalities of the operation of the Scientific Council of the school outside the university.
  • A decision dated  February 4, 2009, setting the criteria for the distribution of elected representatives of professors by ranks within the scientific committee of the department of the school outside


  • A joint ministerial decision dated 5 Ramadan 1428 corresponding to 17 September 2007, specifying the administrative organization of the school outside the university and the nature of its intereststechnology and its regulation.
  • A joint ministerial decision dated 19 Sha 'ban 1430 corresponding to 10 August 2009, specifying the classification of the school outside the university and the conditions for enrollmentsenior subordinate positions.
  • Executive Decree No. 08-130 dated 27 Rabi Al-Thani 1429 corresponding to 03 May 2008, which includes the basic law of the research professor.
  • Resolution No. 521 dated  September 5, 2013, specifying the modalities for the application of the provisions related to university qualification.
  • Decision No. 198 dated  August 12, 2003, related to candidacy for university qualification.
  • Resolution No. 929 dated  July 28, 2016, specifying the volume of teaching for the research professor.
  • Resolution No. 930 dated July 28, 2016, specifying the modalities for adapting the volume of teaching for the assistant professor in the process of preparing the doctoral thesis.
  • Resolution No. 931 dated  July 28, 2016, specifies the modalities of changing the weekly hourly volume of teaching for the research professor who occupies a high position.
  • Resolution No. 371 of  June 11, 2014, which includes the establishment of disciplinary councils in higher education institutions and determines their formation and functioning at universities
  • Executive Decree No. 10-133 dated 20 Jumada Al-Awwal 1431 corresponding to 5 May 2010, containing the Basic Law on Employeesbelonging to the wires of higher education.
  • Executive Decree No. 08-04 of 11 Muharram 1429 corresponding to 19 January 2008, containing the Basic Law on Affiliated EmployeesFor common wires in public institutions and departments.
  • Executive Decree No. 08-05 of 11 Muharram 1429 corresponding to 19 January 2008, including the Basic Law on Professional Workers and DriversCars and hijab.
  • Executive Decree No. 08-05 of 11 Muharram 1429 corresponding to 19 January 2008, including the Basic Law on Professional Workers and DriversCars and hijab.
  • Law No. 83-11 of 21 Ramadan 1403 corresponding to 2 July 1983, relating to social insurance. Amended and supplemented by Law No. 15-05 dated 11 Rabi Al-Thani 1436 corresponding to 1 February 2015.
  • Law No. 83-12 of 21 Ramadan 1403 corresponding to 2 July 1983, relating to retirement, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 94-05 of30 Shawwal 1414 corresponding to  April 11, 1994, amended and supplemented by Order No. 96-18 dated 20 Safar 1417
  • Corresponding to  July 6, 1996, amended and supplemented by Order No. 97-13 dated Muharram 24, 1418 corresponding to May 31, 1997, amended and supplemented by law

No. 99-03 dated 5 Dhu al-Hijjah 1419 corresponding to 22 March 1999.

  • Law No. 83-13 of 21 Ramadan 1403 corresponding to 2 July 1983, relating to work accidents and occupational diseases.
  • Executive Decree No. 15-268 dated 29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1436 corresponding to 13 October 2015  specifying the conditions and methods of benefiting from the performances of

Social security by some categories of social insured who exercise parliamentary custody or are employed or who are formed abroad and have their rights.

  • Executive Decree No. 01-285 dated 6 Rajab 1422 corresponding to 24 September 2001, specifying the public places where tobacco use is prohibitedand how to apply this prohibition.
  • Resolution No. 499 dated  May 30, 2016, which includes the establishment of a committee for prevention and awareness about the dangers of smoking and defining its tasks and composition.
  • Resolution No. 725 dated  June 21, 2016, specifies how to implement the prevention of tobacco use in institutions and structures of the higher education sectorand scientific research.
  • Decree No. 82-179 of 21 Rajab 1402 corresponding to 15 May 1982  determines the content of social services and how they are financed, complementingExecutive Decree No. 94-186

of 26 Muharram 1415 corresponding to 6 July 1994, supplemented by Executive Decree No. 96-74 of 14 Ramadan 1416 corresponding to  February 3, 1996.

  • Decree No. 82-303 of 23 Dhu al-Qa ' dah 1402 corresponding to 11 September 1982, related to the management of social services.
  • Executive Decree No. 15-236 dated 19 Dhu al-Qa ' dah 1436 corresponding to 3 September 2015 amending Executive Decree No.94-187 dated

26 Muharram 1415 corresponding to  July 6, 1994, which determines the distribution of the social security contribution rate.

  • Executive Decree No. 97-59 dated 1 Dhu al-Qa ' dah 1417 corresponding to 9 March 1997, specifying the organization and distribution of working hours in the sector

Public Institutions and Administrations, Complementing Executive Decree No. 

07-226dated 9 Rajab 1428 corresponding to 24 July 2007, amended

Executive Decree No. 09-244 dated 29 Rajab 1430 corresponding to 2 July 2009.

  • Law No. 90-02 of 10 Rajab 1410 corresponding to 6 February 1990, relating to the prevention and settlement of collective disputes at work

The exercise of the right to strike, amended and supplemented by Law No. 91-27 of 14 Jumada Al-Thani 1412 corresponding to 21 December 1991.

  • Law No. 90-14 of 9 Dhu al-Qa ' dah 1410 corresponding to June 2, 1990, on the modalities of exercising the trade union right, amended and supplemented by law

No. 91-30 of 14 Jumada Al-Thani 1412 corresponding to 21 December 1991, amended and supplemented by Order No. 96-12 of 23 Muharram 1417 Corresponding to  June 10,

  • Order No. 95-24 dated 30 Rabi Al-Thani 1416 corresponding to 25 September 1995, relating to the protection of public property and the security of persons therein.
  • Executive Decree No. 93-206 dated 6 Rabi Al-Thani 1414 corresponding to 22 September 1993, related to prevention and control in public institutions, departments, and bodies, as well as in public institutions.
  • Executive Decree No. 93-222 dated 16 Rabi Al-Thani 1414 corresponding to 2 October 1993, specifying the basic law for the agents and heads of prevention and security teams and controlling their salaries.
  • Executive Decree No. 96-158 dated 16 Dhu al-Hijjah 1416 corresponding to 4 May 1996, specifying the conditions for the application of the internal security provisions in the institution.
  • Executive Decree No. 98-410  dated 18 Sha 'ban 1419 corresponding to 7 December 1998, which includes the establishment of ministerial offices for internal security in the institution, its competencies, and organization.

A decision dated 13 Rabi 'al-Awwal 1423 corresponding to 26 May 2002, specifying the composition and functioning of the Ministerial Office for Internal Security in the institution at the level of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

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