General Secretary

Mr. Ben Halima Mokhtar
Mr. Ben Halima Mokhtar
Mr. Mukhtar BEN HALIMA Responsible for the general secretariat of the school. Responsible for the operation of the administrative and financial structures of the school. The Administrative Organization of the Higher School and the nature of its technical interests and organization are determined by the Joint Ministerial Decision dated February 25, 2018. Has for mission:  managing the professional career path of the employees at the school. Providing the good conduct of technical interests. Ensuring follow-up financing of research activities by research units and laboratories.  Proposing programs for cultural activities and upgrading them. ensuring follow-up of programs for the production of structures and the acquisition of equipment.  Ensuring follow-up of the internal security scheme of the school. The means of transportation and maintenance of both movable and immovable assets are important for educational institutions. Keeping inventory records.  preparing a draft school budget and following up on its implementation. Following up on issues in dispute before judicial authorities. The secretary-general, to whom the Office of Homeland Security is attached both The Secretary -General, is also attached to the Internal Security Of the school and is assisted by: Sub-directorate of Personnel Training Cultural and Sports Activities. Deputy Director of Finance and Means.
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